Review Your Resume

Prepare for success! Create a well-crafted resume to highlight your experience, skills and education.

Resume Feedback Resources:

Resume Review+

For undergraduates and recent alumni. 

Please Note:  For Master's and Ph.D. students and postdoctoral scholars, this service is paused during the summer and will reopen again in fall 2024. Please schedule an appointment with a career advisor on Handshake.

Resume Review+ is our online service that allows you to receive feedback on your resume, CV, and cover letter via Google Docs.

Before submitting your documents, be sure to review our writing resources below.

Resume Review+

Drop-in Peer Advising

For undergraduates and recent alumni only. If this is your first visit to the Internship and Career Center, we highly recommend a Drop-in advising resume review session with one of our peer advisors.

Meet with one of our professional peer advisors for a 15 minute Drop-in Advising session to have your resume or cover letter reviewed.

Career Advising Appointments

For undergraduates, master's and Ph.D. students, postdoctoral scholars and recent alumni.

Make a 30 minute appointment with a career advisor for an in-depth detailed resume review. Appointments are scheduled online in Handshake.


Check out our workshops designed specifically to help with resume and cover letter writing. We host several in-person and virtual workshops each month. Review the calendar to browse upcoming events. Register in Handshake.

Resume Writing Resources:

Career Resource Manual (CRM)

The Career Resource Manual (CRM) is a comprehensive resource for students from the beginning stages of exploration through the internship and job search process, including samples of resumes, cover letters, interviewing, and reference styles.

Sample Resumes

Review our resume and CV samples for examples and field-specific tips to get started.

Resume Starter Kit

Begin the process of writing your resume by making note of all of the experiences and positions you've had. Be extensive—this is not the time to worry about keeping things to one page. Use the resume starter kit to get started.

Informational Videos

The ICC has created a variety of short videos specifically to learn how to get started on writing your cover letter and resume.