Join Aggie Circle

Support the ICC

For more information on becoming an Aggie Circle partner, contact

If you'd like to support the ICC's work but cannot join the Aggie Circle Partner Program at this time, consider a donation.

Aggie Circle Partner Program members receive an array of services that will enhance your organization’s recruitment experience at UC Davis. Aggie Circle members receive benefits that increase visibility as a potential  employer, promote your organization’s brand on campus, and maximize your recruiting efforts  through heightened engagement opportunities with top student talent. Partnership in the Aggie Circle is  annual, July 1st through June 30th, in alignment with the fiscal year calendar.

Program Levels for 2023-24

Gold Partner $10,000+

  • Three complimentary in-person Internship and Career Fair registrations (valued at $875 each)  
  • Complimentary registration to the virtual Fall Internship and Career Fair (scheduled for 9/13/23; valued at $400)
  • Complimentary registration to the virtual Masters, PhD, and Postdoctoral Scholar Internship and Career Fair (scheduled for 9/15/23; valued at $400)
  • Complimentary company event/information session plus recruiting event promotion in South Hall (50 person room capacity; valued at $400)
  • Exclusive sponsorship of a single ICC event (e.g. resume writing, etc.)
  • Priority invitation to serve as a panelist/speaker at an ICC event*
  • Priority scheduling of on-campus interviews and information sessions
  • Invitation to annual partner member roundtable (to be held virtually)
  • Customized connections to academic units and departments
  • Recruitment strategy session with assigned industry relations staff to ensure a comprehensive successful ROI strategy
  • Recognition on ICC signage
  • Signal boosting of your employer profile on Handshake
  • Acknowledgement on Aggie Circle Program webpage
  • Quarterly Social Media posts via ICC social media platforms

Blue Level: $7,500

  • Two complimentary in-person Internship and Career Fair registrations (valued at $875 each)  
  • Complimentary registration to the virtual Fall Internship and Career Fair (scheduled for 9/13/23; valued at $400 each)
  • Complimentary registration to the virtual Masters, PhD, and Postdoctoral Scholar Internship and Career Fair (scheduled for 9/15/23; valued at $400)
  • Complimentary company event/information session plus recruiting event promotion in South Hall (50 person room capacity; valued at $400)
  • Priority invitation to serve as a panelist/speaker at an ICC event*
  • Priority scheduling of on-campus interviews and information sessions
  • Invitation to annual partner member roundtable (to be held virtually)
  • Customized connections to academic units and departments
  • Recruitment strategy session with assigned industry relations staff to ensure a comprehensive successful ROI strategy
  • Recognition on ICC signage
  • Signal boosting of your employer profile on Handshake
  • Acknowledgement on Aggie Circle Program webpage

Aggie Level $5,000

  • One complimentary in-person Internship and Career Fair registration (valued at $875)  
  • Complimentary registration to one of the virtual Internship and Career Fairs (either the 9/13 Fall Internship and Career Fair or the 9/15 Masters, PhD, and Postdoctoral Scholar Internship and Career Fair; valued at $400)
  • Priority invitation to serve as a panelist/speaker at an ICC event*
  • Invitation to annual partner member roundtable (to be held virtually)
  • Recruitment strategy session with assigned industry relations staff to ensure a comprehensive successful ROI strategy
  • Recognition on ICC signage
  • Signal boosting of your employer profile on Handshake
  • Acknowledgement on Aggie Circle Program webpage

Non-Profit Level: $2,500

Same benefits as Aggie Level plus:

  • One additional complimentary in-person Internship and Career Fair registration (valued at $400 each)  
  • Customized connections to academic units and departments

 *Panel/speaking events may be in person or virtual
**For your donation to remain a charitable contribution, any materials you are to share during events should provide educational, science, or career information that does not advertise your organization’s products and/or its services.

Thank you to our current Aggie Circle Partners

Gold Partners



Blue Partners 




Aggie Partners