As a transfer student, you have likely selected a major and may be further along in your career development than freshmen. Since you will likely only spend 2-3 years on campus, it is important that you seek out information and opportunities early in your time at UC Davis. Regardless of where you are in your career development process, the Internship and Career Center (ICC) can provide you with valuable professional and career-related information, services, and opportunities.
Your first year at UC Davis is a great time to explore how your selected major might prepare and lead you to a possible career. It is also an opportunity to test your options by completing an internship, finding a part-time job, or participating in other experiential education opportunities.
- Log on to Handshake and complete your profile.
- Complete an internship.
- Meet with ICC staff about your career goals and plans.
- Attend ICC workshops to learn how to prepare for an internship, job search, or career fair.
- Update your resume quarterly.
- Become a member of the Student Alumni Association to continue building your network.
- Conduct informational interviews.
- Create LinkedIn account to further your network.
- Invest in appropriate business attire for interviewing.
- Attend Internship and Career Fair to explore internships and careers.
- Search for a summer job/internship that aligns with your educational and career goals.
- Visit the Transfer and Reentry Center and take advantage of their programs and services.
- Supplement major courses with practical skills courses (writing, public speaking, statistics, accounting, computer skills, etc.).
- Consider applying to the UC Davis Washington Program, UC Center Sacramento or UC Davis Study Abroad.
- Research graduate or professional schools, and request letters of recommendation from faculty if appropriate.
- Explore and consider research opportunities.
- Develop a relationship with an academic mentor, advisor or faculty member.
- Continue to strengthen communication and leadership roles through organizations or other activities.
- Work at a part-time job to build transferable skills.
- Volunteer for campus or community service.