Emma Singletary

Headshot of Emma Singletary

Emma has a Masters in Counseling, from Sac State, where she specialized in Career Counseling. Emma previously earned her Bachelor's in History, also at Sac State, with the intent to pursue a PhD in History. However, she came to the realization that a PhD in History didn't fit her career needs and began exploring other career options. After some exploration, she discovered a passion for counseling and working with students. Her liberal arts background has influenced her career counseling style and her opinion that career development is a lifelong process. She enjoys working with students all aspects of their career development, but career exploration is her favorite (so if you're unsure of what your career path looks like – come see her). In her free time she likes reading romance novels, drinking coffee, and quoting TV shows with her siblings.

Undergraduates, Masters, Alumni

Interest Area